Monday, March 17, 2008

I think I'm loosing my mind.

No, really.  This isn't an 'Oh my day is so stressful and got lots of shit going on...' lost my mind... It's a 'I can't remember what day it is, or what I did yesterday...or 5 minutes ago...' lost my mind.

I've had this feeling for a while now.  This feeling that part of my brain shut down, or is in the process of shutting down. 

I've started getting more and more worried about this.  Though my insomnia, bad eating habits (as in I don't eat...I forget.) and the fact I'm stressed about life in general can't possibly be helping.  

I should try and get some work done... though I don't know why, it's already 5:30pm and I've only done 2 things today.  The rest of the time was doing... 

I can't remember.